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Marking Additional Assessments

Some organisations opt to set Additional Assessments for their Students to complete a Subject.


Your organisation may not have set any Additional Assessments. Please ignore this page if that is the case.

These Additional Assessments are usually tasks done outside of the Online Classroom (e.g. a presentation, an interview, a written essay).

Even so, the grades you give to these Additional Assessments still need to be recorded in the Online Classroom, so that the Students can pass the Subject and receive their access to the Subject Completion Certificate and be awarded their Subject Completion Badge.

Teacher Additional Assessments Location

Recording the Grade

  1. Click into a Subject (e.g. Introduction to the Bible)
  2. Click Grades Menu Item (left of the screen)
  3. Click View Tab then Grader report Sub-Tab
  4. Displays all the Quizzes, the two Final Exams and any Additioanl Assessments as columns for all Students
  5. Use Separate groups, Firstname and/or Surname to view a subset of the Students

The steps above are the same as Teacher :: Keeping Track of Your Students :: View Student Grades.

The steps below allows you to record a value as the Student's grade for the Additional Assessment.

Teacher Additional Assessments Grades View

One Student at a time

  1. Click on the Pencil Icon next to a Student
  2. For the rows of the Addtional Assessments, make sure the Override column is ticked.
  3. Under the Grade column:
    • If the assessment requires a numerical grade, type in a value
    • If the assessment is a pass/fail activity, select Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory in the dropdown
  4. Click Save
Click here for a video walkthrough

Teacher Additional Assessments One Student

Multiple Students in one go

  1. Click Turn editing on (right of the screen)
  2. Under the Additional Assessments columns for the Student:
    • If the assessment requires a numerical grade, type in a value
    • If the assessment is a pass/fail activity, select Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory in the dropdown
  3. Click Save changes
Click here for a video walkthrough

Teacher Additional Assessments Multiple Students


Please inform your Administrator when you have finished marking the Additional Assessments and recorded the grades.

Your Administrator needs to perform the Sync Grades Funtion (refer to Administrator :: Manage Student Grades :: Synchronise Grades in this Quick Start guide to synchronise the new grades that you just recorded from the Online Classroom into the Student Information System.

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