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Downloading Student Certificates

Please check with your Administrator to see if keeping a copy of the certificates is part of your responsibility as a Teacher or Non-Editing Teacher. Please ignore this page if its not part of your responsibilities.

When a Student succesfully complete a Subject (i.e. achieve a passing grade in the Final Exam and satisfy all Additional Assessments as determined by your organisation), the Online Classroom automatically grants two items to mark the achievements. The Student:

  1. Gains access to the Subject Completion Certificate, located at the end of each Subject
  2. Awarded the Subject Completion Badge, located on their Dashboard and Profile


The Subject Completion Certificate is only available whilst the Student's enrolment in the Subject is current. It is therefore recommended to Students that they download the certificate as a record of their achievement.

View and download Subject Completion Certificates

You as the Teacher or Non-Editing Teacher can and also download the certificates, and should do so if you/your organisation desire to keep a copy of the certificates.

  1. Click into a Subject (e.g. Introduction to the Bible)
  2. Scroll down to the bottom and click Completion Certificate
  3. Displays all Students who have gained access to the Course Completion Certificate for the Subject
  4. Use Separate groups to view a subset of the Students
  5. Click Download Icon in the File column to download or print the PDF of the Certificate

Teacher Download Subject Completion Certificate

View and download Milestone Certificates

Most Partners opt to grant a Milestone Certificate to mark the successful completion of a stage of learning. The most common way to organise the stages of learning is:

  • Level 1: ITB, PTF, NT1, OT1, D1 & EPH
  • Level 2: NT2, OT2, D2, ECH, ROM & JN
  • Level 3: NT3, OT3, RCH, OT4, CW, ETH & PB

When a Student succesfully complete all the Subjects in that stage, the Online Classroom automatically enrols the Student into an additional Subject called Level 1/2/3 Certificate Course, which gives the Student access to the Level 1/2/3 Milstone Certificate.

  1. Click Site home Menu Item (left of screen)
  2. Click L1/2/3_CERT Level 1/2/3 Milestone Certificate Course
  3. Click Level 1/2/3 Milestone Certificate
  4. Displays all Students who have gained access to this Milestone Certificate
  5. Use Separate groups to view a subset of the Students
  6. Click Download Icon in the File column to download or print the PDF of the Certificate

Teacher Download Milestone Certificate

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