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Administer Final Exam - Paper Based

Normal Circumstances

The Final Exam - Paper Based for each Subject requires Teachers or Non-Editing Teachers to administer to Students.

Final Exam - Paper Based is designed for a whole class to attempt at the same time in a physial classroom. Imagine if you are attempting an in-person exam in a classroom; the following is usually needed for the exam to be effective:

  • The teacher needs to bring enough paper copies of the examination questions.
  • The teacher needs to bring enough paper copies of answer sheets for students to write their answers on.
  • The teacher needs to match each answer sheet to a particular student after the exam.
  • The teacher needs to mark the answer sheets and issue a grade after the exam.
  • The teacher needs to record the grade, and then release the grade to the students after the exam.

The Online Classroom provides the following facilities for Teachers and Non-Editing Teachers to administer exams effectively.

  • The OC provides a PDF of the examination questions for the teacher to print.
  • The OC provides a PDF of the blank answer sheet for the teacher to print.
  • The OC automatically matches answer sheet to student once the answer sheets are scanned and uploaded to the OC.
  • The OC also automatically marks the answer sheets
  • The OC also automatically records the grade, and releases the grade to the students.

Step 1: Download PDF of Examination Questions

  1. Click into a Subject (e.g. Introduction to the Bible)
  2. Scroll down to the bottom and click Final Exam - Paper Based
  3. Click Create forms Tab, then click Download forms Sub-Tab
  4. Click one of the 4 Question form for group A/B/C/D
  5. Download the PDF, and print enough copes for the students attempting the exam.

The 4 groups (A, B, C or D) are just different versions of the exam. The 4 versions have the same number of questions, but different selection of questions.

You may choose to cycle through the 4 groups (e.g. use Group A this term/year, then Group B next term/year) to ensure academic integrity.


Remember which group you chose (A, B, C or D). You need to download the corresponding answer sheet in the next step.

Click here for a video walkthrough

Teacher Download Examination Questions

Step 2: Download PDF of Answer Sheet

  1. Click the Answer form for group A/B/C/D that correspond to the group you chose in the previous step
  2. Download the PDF, and print enough copes for the students attempting the exam.


Set your printer to print the answer sheets with no margins and no scaling. This will ensure that the answer sheets can scanned correctly by a scanner after the exam.

Click here for a video walkthrough

Teacher Download Answer Sheet

Step 3: Scan the Answer Sheets

Once Students have finished the exam, their answer sheets need to be scanned and uploaded into the Online Classroom for automatic processing.

You need to scan each answer sheet and save individually in one of the following formats:

- Image (JPEG): one image for each student answer sheet
- Image (PNG): one image for each student answer sheet


It is very important to test this step before administering a Paper Based exam. It will take several attempts to find the right settings for a good scan on your scanner.

Each scanner is different, but a good starting point is making sure that the scan is of good quality (i.e. image is straight, scanner glass is clean, scan of at least 300dpi).

Please contact CGM if you have questions or difficulties in your testing.


If you have many answer sheets, zipping the scanned images into one zip file or a few zip files (each under 35MB) can save you time when uploading to the Online Classroom in the next step.

Click here for a video walkthrough

Teacher Scan Answer Sheet

Step 4: Upload Answer Sheets to Online Classroom

  1. Click Results Tab, then click Upload/Correct Sub-Tab
  2. Click Choose a file ...
  3. A File picker dialog will popup. Click Upload a file and Choose file
  4. Select your image file or zip file
  5. Click Upload this file
  6. Click Import

The Online Classroom will then display an Acknowlegement Message:


2 answer forms have been added to th evaluation queue. An email will be sent to your address after the data has been processed.

The Online Classroom will now process the scanned image(s), match the answer sheet(s) to the student(s), mark the answer sheet(s), and record the grade(s) achieved. This is a lot of work for the Online Classroom to do! Expect to wait at least 10 minutes, and longer if there are lots of answer sheets.


If you are uploading one scanned image at a time, you can click Continue and repeat the process. These will be inserted into the queue and add to the number of answer sheets pending evaluation.

The Online Classroom will send a notification via email once the processing is complete, and provide a summary of the operations.


Number of succesfully imported pages: 2

Click here for a video walkthrough

Teacher Upload Answer Sheet

Step 5: Review Attempts and Grades

  1. Click Results Tab, then click Overview Sub-Tab
  2. Use Separate groups, Firstname and/or Surname to view a subset of the Students
  3. Click on a Grade to view Student's attempt
Click here for a video walkthrough

Teacher Review Attempt

Deleting Exam Attempts

There are occasions where you as the Teacher need to delete an attempt of the Final Exam - Paper Based. These occasions include:

  • A Student made a mistake filling out his/her Student ID on the answer sheet, and now his/her answer sheet and grade is matched to a non-existing or different Student.
  • A Student has not followed the instructions properly and filled out the answer sheet wrongly (e.g. using a tick instead of a cross), and the Online Classroom is unable to analyse and mark the answer sheet.
  • A Student's answer sheet was scanned badly (e.g. scanned image is not straight), and the Online Classroom is unable to analyse and mark the answer sheet.

On these occasions, you as the Teacher need to delete their scan result and try uploading a different scanned image for the Student.


If the problem is with the Student's answer sheet (e.g. pen not thick/dark enough, markings outside the boxes), the easiest way maybe for you to copy the Student's ID and his/her answers onto a new answer sheet - and then scan the new answer sheet.

  1. Click Results Tab, then click Overview Sub-Tab
  2. Use Separate groups, Firstname and/or Surname to view a subset of the Students
  3. Click on the checkbox next to the Students attempt that you want to delete


The next step cannot be undone. Check that you have ticked the right Student's attempt.

You do, however, have the scanned image so even if you deleted the wrong attempt, you can always upload the scanned image again for the Online Classroom to analyse and mark the answer sheet.

  1. Click Delect selected results

Teacher Delete Final Exam Paper Based Attempt

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