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Administer Final Exam - Online

Normal Circumstances

The Final Exam - Online for each Subject is fully automated.

Apart from keeping track of your Students' progress generally (refer to Teacher :: Keeping Track of Your Students :: View Student Progress and Teacher :: Keeping Track of Your Students :: View Student Grades in this Quick Start guide), there is nothing you need to do for the Final Exam - Online.

Exceptional Circumstances

However, there are exceptional circumstances when you as the Teacher may need to delete a particular attempt of the Final Exam - Online. These circumstances may include:

  • A Student begins an attempt but the internet cuts out during the alloted time
  • A Student begins an attempt but experiences a power outage shutting down the computer
  • A Student begins an attempt but suffers unforseen difficulties such as illness

In these circumstances, even though the Student was unable to complete his/her attempt, it would still be considered as a valid attempt to the Online Classroom.

As the Teacher, you have the power to delete the incomplete attempt so that the Student can re-sit the Final Exam - Online a second time.


Please check with your Administrator regarding the organisational policy of granting Students the chance to re-sit the exam a second time.


Students who have failed the exam under normal circumstances should not have their attempts deleted. Students who want to repeat an exam with the aim of achieving a better grade should not have their attempts deleted either.

These Students should contact your Administrator and arrange to enrol into the Subject a second time. Your Administrator should refer to Administrator :: Withdraw Student Enrolments in this Quick Start guide.

  1. Click into a Subject (e.g. Introduction to the Bible)
  2. Scroll down to the bottom and click Final Exam - Online
  3. Click Attempts: *Number*
  4. Use Firstname and/or Surname to find the Student's attempt
  5. Tick the Student's attempt


The next steps cannot be undone. Check that you have ticked the right Student's attempt.

  1. Click Delete selected attempts
  2. Click Yes when asked Are you absolutely sure you want to completely delete these attempts?

The attemp is deleted, and the Student can re-sit the Final Exam - Online a second time.

Click here for a video walkthrough

Teacher Delete Final Exam Online Attempt

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