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Notice: Upgrading to Moodle 4.1

Dear Administrators:

As mentioned in my email, we will need to perform a major upgrade of your Online Classroom (Moodle) to ensure ongoing security and functionality.

We have thoroughly tested the upgrade procedure and the new version of Moodle. Whilst all of the functionality remains the same (or better), this new version of Moodle is a significant update and utilises a new theme - therefore, it will look different to how it is currently .

However, the visual differences are minor (e.g., the menu and sub-menus are in a different location on the page), and it shouldn't be too difficult for you and your students to adjust to after a little while.

Click on the links below (or use the left-handside menus) to see some visual comparsions between Moodle 3.9 and Moodle 4.1 .

[Z2] General Usage

[Z3] Administration

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