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Manage Student Grades

A Student will achieve a Grade after he/she attempts the Final Exam of the enrolled Subject.

If the Grade is sufficient to pass the Subject (default passing grade is set at 50%), and all other Additional Assessments as determined by your organisation are satsfied, then the Student will:

  1. gain access to the Subject Completion Certificate, and
  2. be awarded the Subject Completion Badge in the Online Classroom.

The Subject Completion Certificate will only be available whilst the Student's enrolment in the Subject is current.

It is recommended to Students that they download the certificate as a record of their achievement - and you should do so as well if you/your organisation desire to keep a copy of the certificates.

The Subject Completion Badge will be available even if when a Student is no longer enrolled in the Subject.

Badges will be visible on Student's Dashboard or Profile as a permanent record of his/her achievement in the Online Classroom.

Since the Student achieves the Grade in the Online Classroom, you will need to synchronise the Grade from the Online Classroom to the Student Information System, so that the record in the SIS is consistent with the OC.


The Online Classroom only contains the enrolment information of some Students' (i.e. whose Status is Current, Current_Get_Grade or Current_Graded in the Enrolments Table).

Students' Grades are removed from the Online Classroom when they are no longer enrolled in the Subject (i.e. whose Status is Withdrawan or Archived in the Enrolments Table)

In contrast, the Student Information System is the permanent storage of all Students' enrolment information, including their Grades.

Therefore, it is important to synchronise the Grades from the Online Classroom to the Student Information System periodically (e.g. at the end of a term; when a cohort of Students complete their Final Exams).

Synchronise Grades


  1. Click Enrolments Table (top of the screen).
  2. Click Enrolments - GRADES under Views (left of the screen).
  3. Click Filter and set Where Subject contains... *Subject Code*
  4. Click + Add condition and set and Grade is empty
  5. Set Status to Current_Get_Grade for all Enrolments ready for Grade in OC to come into SIS


  1. Click Dashboard and SIS Admin
  2. Click Sync Grades
  3. A popup window will appear. Do not close or hit Esc while this is processing
  4. Once processing is complete, the popup window will display a System Message and a Close button.
  5. Click Close to close the popup window


An example of Success Message for Sync Grades Function:

  • 2 grades in 1 subjects synchronised


  1. Enrolments previously set to Current_Get_Grade now have Status changed to Current_Graded, and values for Grade and Grade_Details appear in their records as well.

Grades achieved in Online Classroom are now synchronised to the Student Information System.

Click here for a video walkthrough

Administrator Sync Grades

Re-Synchronise Grades

There are times when a Student's Grade gets changed in the Online Classroom (e.g. Student re-attempted the Final Exam or completed an Additional Assessment since the last time Grades were synchronised). To synchronise his/her Grade again:


  1. Click Enrolments Table (top of the screen).
  2. Locate the Student's Enrolment
  3. Set Status to Current_Get_Grade
  4. Select Grade and press delete


  1. Click Dashboard and SIS Admin
  2. Click Sync Grades
  3. A popup window will appear. Do not close or hit Esc while this is processing
  4. Once processing is complete, the popup window will display a System Message and a Close button.
  5. Click Close to close the popup window


  1. The Enrolment has Status changed to Current_Graded, and new values for Grade and Grade_Details replaces the previous values.
Click here for a video walkthrough

Administrator ReSync Grades

Viewing Grades


  1. Click Enrolments Table (top of the screen).
  2. Click Enrolments - GRADES under Views (left of the screen).
  3. Click Filter and set Where Subject contains... *Subject Code*
  4. Click + Add condition and set and Grade >= 50
  5. Click Filter again to see the records matching the filter conditions

All Students who have enrolled in *Subject Code* and achieved a Grade of 50 and above will now be in the View. The Grade each Student achieved in this Subject is in the Grade column.


Other Filter conditions that are useful for viewing Grades include:

  • Grade is empty to see all Students yet to achieve a Grade.
  • Grade is not empty to see all Students who have achieved a Grade.


Click the Bin Icon next to each condition to remove them from the Filter.

Click here for a video walkthrough

Administrator Grades View

Viewing Grade Summary

Synchronising the grades from OC to SIS using the Sync Grades Function not only stores the Grades in SIS, it also stores a Summary of how the Grade was achieved.


  1. Select a record in the Enrolments Table (under any View)
  2. Scroll right to Grade_Details column
  3. Click the Expand View Icon
  4. The Popup cell contains the grade achieved for each of the quiz/exam and assessment items in the Subject, which adds up to the final Grade.

The default setting is that the Final Exam accounts for 100% of the final Grade. Your organisation may have elected to include additional assessments that contribute to the final Grade when you became a Partner of CGM.

Click here for a video walkthrough

Administrator Grades View

Modifying Grades


Since Grades are achieved in the Online Classroom, in situations where you want to modify a Student's Grade, you should first modify the Grade in the Online Classroom and then use the Sync Grades Function to synchronise to the Student Information System.


  1. Check that the Enrolment's Status is Current in Enrolments Table
  2. Click on the Enrolment's Grades_Link (this takes you to the Student's Grade Report in the Online Classroom)
  3. Refer to Teacher :: Modify Grades in this Quick Start guide to modify the Grade in the Online Classroom
  4. Once the Grade has been modified in the Online Classroom, perform Synchronise Grades to update the Grade in SIS
  5. The modified Grade is now in both OC and SIS


If an Enrolment's Status is not Current in the Student Information System (i.e., set to Past, Pending, Suspended or Completed), then this enrolment has been removed from the Online Classroom. This means that the link in the Grades_Link column is no longer valid.

To modify the Grade of a non-Current Enrolment, just modify the number in the Grade column in the SIS.

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