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Getting Ready

As a Partner Administrator, you have the important task of managing the Student Information System (built in Airtable) and the Online Classroom (built using Moodle) so that your Students can access the Subjects and learn effectively.

Your organisation may also have Teachers and Non-Editing Teachers to faciliate the teaching. You will also manage these roles as the Partner Administrator.

Please contact CGM if you have any questions or points of clarification regarding the content in this Quick Start guide.

Relationationship between SIS and OC

Relationationship between the Student Information System and the Online Classroom

Log into the Student Information System (SIS)

  1. Open a web browser (e.g. Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox)
  2. Visit Airtable and login with your organisation's Airtable credentials
  3. Once inside Airtable, select the icon under Partner SIS Instances
  4. This will launch your Student Information System


Desktop and Mobile apps are avaialble from Airtable if you prefer to work outside of the web browser. See

Log into the Online Classroom (OC)

You should have already received your login credentials and the URL to your Online Classroom from CGM.

  1. Open a web browser (e.g. Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox)
  2. Visit the Online Classroom (i.e. *provider_shortname*
  3. Type your Administrator Username from your welcome email as Username (e.g. "cmsa_administrator")
  4. Type your Administrator Password from your welcome email as Password
  5. Click Log in


To administer effectively, it is best to have both Online Classroom (OC) and Student Information System (SIS) open and ready on your screen(s)

You can have multiple instances of Online Classroom (OC) and Student Information System (SIS) open in separate browser tabs or windows

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