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Closing Student Enrolments

When Students complete a Subject (e.g. at the end of a term when a cohort of Students complete their Final Exams), you may choose to close their Enrolments - that is:

  • mark their study of this Subject as Archived in the SIS
  • synchronise from the SIS to the OC
  • thereby remove their access to this Subject in the OC


The Student's access to this Subject in the Online Classroom will be removed - including access to the Subject content and achievements in this Subject (e.g. grades, quiz/exam attempts, completion certificates).

You may choose to not close their Enrolment if you want the Students to continue having access to the Subject in the Online Classroom, even though they have completed the Subject.

First, make sure you have synchronised the Students' Grades from the Online Classroom into the Student Information System before closing their Enrolments. Refer to Administrator :: Manage Grades :: Synchronise Grades in this Quick Start guide.



  1. Click Enrolments Table (top of the screen)
  2. Click Enrolments - locate student under Views (left of the screen)
  3. Set Filter conditions to find the Enrolments that you want to close
  4. CHECK: the Enrolments should have Status as Current_Graded
  5. Change each Enrolment's Status from Current_Graded to Archived


The Student's access to this Subject in the Online Classroom will be removed - including access to the Subject content and achievements in this Subject (e.g. grades, quiz/exam attempts, completion certificates).

You may choose to not close their Enrolment if you want the Students to continue having access to the Subject in the Online Classroom, even though they have completed the Subject.


  1. Click Dashboard and SIS Admin
  2. Click Sync Enrolments
  3. A popup window will appear. Do not close or hit Esc while this is processing
  4. Once processing is complete, the popup window will display a System Message and a Close button.
  5. Click Close to close the popup window
  6. The Students have now officially completed the Subject, and their Enrolments are closed.
Click here for a video walkthrough

Administrator Close Enrolments

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