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Authorising Teachers

Teacher is a Role in the Online Classroom.

A User with the Teacher role can:

  • View and Edit the content of all Subjects in the Language(s) he/she is assigned to
  • View and Edit Grades of the Students studying those Subjects
  • View, Download or Print the Certificates achieved by those Students
  • View Profiles of those Students


The Teacher is a powerful Role. Be sure to authorise the right people to be Teachers in your Online Classroom.

Non-Editing Teacher is also a Role in the Online Classroom. The Non-Editing Teacher role has less privileges compared to a Teacher.

A User with the Non-Editing Teacher role can:

  • View the content of all Subjects in the Language(s) he/she is assigned to
  • View Grades of the Students studying those Subjects
  • View, Download or Print the Certificates achieved by those Students
  • View Profiles of those Students


The Non-Editing Teacher is also a powerful Role. Be sure to authorise the right people to be Non-Editing Teachers in your Online Classroom.

Create a new User


  1. Click Site Administration Menu Item (left of screen)
  2. Click Users Tab (middle of screen)
  3. Click Add a new user
  4. Fill in the following details:
    • Username
      • Best practice is to set this as *provider_code*_*teacher name* (e.g. "cmsa_tim")
      • Do not use a 7-digit number, as this will clash with Student IDs
    • Chooose an authentication method
      • keep the default of Manual accounts
    • Tick Generate Password and notify user
    • First name
    • Surname
    • Email address
      • important, as all emails will be sent to this address, including the password.
    • City/town
    • Select a country
  5. Click Create user
Click here for a video walkthrough

Administrator Teacher Create User

Assign User as a Teacher or a Non-Editing Teacher


  1. Click Site Administration Menu Item (left of screen)
  2. Click Courses Tab (middle of screen)
  3. Click Manage courses and categories
  4. For each Language (e.g. English) that the User will be a Teacher in:
    • Click the Language's Gear Icon
    • Select Permissions
    • On the first dropdown menu, choose Assign roles
    • Click Teacher or Non-Editing Teacher, depending on the type of teacher you want to assign this User
  5. You will be presented with Potential users (right hand box) to Add to Existing users (left hand box)
    • Potential users are all the Users in your Online Classroom, including Students
    • Existing users are the Users assigned to be Teachers or Non-Editing Teachers for this Language.
  6. If the list of Potential users is long, use the Search box under Potential users to find the right user.
    • If you followed the best practice in Create a New User then searching for *provider_code*_ (e.g. "cmsa_") will display Users you've created to be Teacher / Non-Editing Teacher.
  7. Select the User (e.g. "cmsa_tim") in Potential users
  8. Click Add

The User is now assigned as a Teacher or a Non-Editing Teacher for that Language in your Online Classroom.

Click here for a video walkthrough

Administrator Teacher Assign User

Remove User as a Teacher or a Non-Editing Teacher

The same steps are used to unassign a Teacher or a Non-Editing Teacher for a Language in your Online Classroom.

Instead of Add, click Remove to take the User off the Existing users list.

The User is then no longer a Teacher or a Non-Editing Teacher for that Language in your Online Classroom.

Administrator Teacher Remove User

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