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Accept Student Enrolments

Students – both new and returning – apply for enrolments into subjects by completing the Registration and Enrolment Form linked from the Online Classroom, either at the bottom of the login page, or on the right of their Dashboard.

To see what the Students see when enrolling, refer to Student :: Apply for enrolment in a Subject in this Quick Start guide.

View All Applications


  1. Click Registrations Table (top of the screen).
  2. Click Registrations - STATUS sort under Views (left of the screen).
  3. The rows in Status == (Empty) section are new applications requiring approval.

The Registrations Table is the "lobby" or "holding area" for applications that require approval.

The rows in the Status == Enrolled section are all the approved enrolments in the past.

Administrator Application View All


Check your View! Views are different ways to see the same Table. For example, you can filter out records based on certain values in a column - the records are still there in the Table, they are just hidden in that particular View. Each Table could contain several Views to help you see the records.

So remember to check which View you are currently in, especially when you know a record should be in the Table but you can't find it - it is very possible that the record is just filtered out because of the View!

Filters can also hide recordes, so check that too if you know a record should be there but you can't fint it.

Verify that an applicant is new

You will notice that new applicants have their Status_Type == New, and their Family_Name and Given_Name are filled in.

Administrator Application New

Since this person has indicated in the application that he/she is new, then this person should not be in the Student Information System.


We need to verify this so we don't create another Student ID if this person is already a Student.


  1. Note the application's Family_Name and Give_Name in Registrations Table
  2. Click Students Table (top of screen)
  3. Click Magnifying Glass Icon (top right of screen)
  4. Search for the application's Family_Name
    • if Family_Name does not exist, then this person is a new Student
    • if Family_Name exists, check Given_Name as well

It is possible that an existing Student has the same Family_Name and Given_Name as a new person applying for enrolment. You will need to use other details in the new application (such as Email, Phone, Mobile, and/or address) to determine if the person is indeed a new Student.

Administrator Application Verify New

If the applicant is verified as a new person, proceed to Validate Each Application below.

If the applicant is not a new person (e.g. an existing Student made a mistake filling out the application form), you will correct the application by:


  1. Find and copy the Student's Student ID in Students Table
  2. Go back to the Registrations Table
  3. Paste the Student's ID in the Student_ID column
  4. Change New to Existing in the Student_Type column
  5. Proceed to Validate Each Application below

Verify that an applicant is returning

You will notice that returning applicants have their Status_Type == Existing, but their Family_Name and Given_Name are not filled in. They are instead identified by their Student_ID.

Administrator Application Existing

Since this person has indicated in the application that he/she is an existing Student, then we are expecting that this person is already in the Student Information System.


  1. Note the application's Student_ID in Registrations Table
  2. Click Students Table (top of screen)
  3. Click Magnifying Glass Icon (top right of screen)
  4. Search for the application's Student_ID - the ID should exist

Administrator Application Verify Existing

If the applicant is verified as an Existing Student, proceed to Validate Each Application below.

If the Student_ID does not exist in the Students Table, then it is not a valid ID.


To correct the applicant's Student ID, you may need to:

  • Search the applicant's Email in the Students Table to see if a Student ID exists and resembles what the applicant typed in (mistyping the 7 digits is a common mistake).
  • Contact the applicant directly to ascertain his/her correct Student ID.
  1. Once you have obtained the right Student ID
    • overwrite the Student ID column for the applicant in the Registrations Table,
  2. OR if you are convinced that the applicant should be a new Student,
    • change New to Existing in the Student_Type column.
  3. Proceed to Validate Each Application below

Validate Each Application

  1. Check that the applicant has applied for an appropriate Subject (e.g., new applicant has started, and existing Student is progressing, at the right subject according to your organisation policy)
  2. Check that the applicant has selected the correct Student-Group; if empty or incorrect, select the correct choice (Note, Training Group is for training and testing purposes)
  3. Check that the applicant has entered the correct Country code. This must be a valid two-letter Alpha-2 code according to the ISO Standards. Search for the code at
  4. Set applicant's Status to Accepted. You will see this applicant move to the Status == Accepted section
  5. Repeat for all other applications


The Country code must be set to a valid two-letter Alpha-2 code, otherwise this Student will not to be properly enrolled.

Click here for a video walkthrough

Administrator Application Validate

Enrol All Applications

Now that the new and returning enrolment applications have been accepted (i.e. their rows are in the Status_Type == Existing section), the next step is to synchronise their enrolments to the Online Classroom.


  1. Click Dashboard and SIS Admin
  2. Click Add Registered Users and Process Enrolments
  3. A popup window will appear. Do not close or hit Esc while this is processing
  4. Once processing is complete, the popup window will display a System Message and a Close button.
  5. Click Close to close the popup window


  1. You will see that the enrolments' Status has changed to Enrolled, and they are now in the Status == Enrolled section
  2. These Students have been sent their new welcome emails, and will see their new Subjects next time they log into the Online Classroom
Click here for a video walkthrough

Administrator Application Enrol All

System Messages and Fixing Errors

In OC, if Pre-fill Registrations or Add Registered Users and Process Enrolments is successful, the popup window will display a Success Message, such as:


  • 2 SIS records updated
  • 3 students registered and enrolments processed

If, however, the system detects problems when performing these functions, the problematic enrolments will not complete, and the popup window will display an Error Message, such as:



In SIS, an accompanying System Note will be recorded for the problematic enrolments. The System Note contains information that will help resolve the problem.

For example, if a student's application is for a subject that he/she is currently enrolled in already, then the SYSTEM_NOTE for that row in SIS will read:


  • Student already enrolled in this subject

To fix the error in the above example, you will:

  1. Change the Subject to another subject the Student is not currently enrolled in
  2. Change the Status from Error to Accepted
  3. Follow Administrator :: Process Enorolments :: Enrol All Student Applications in this Quick Start guide again

Reading the System Note will usually help you to resolve the issue. If you cannot understand the System Note or if you are unable to resolve the issue, please contact CGM using the Partners Helpdesk.


With some errors you may need to investigate further (e.g., speak to the Teachers or with the Student). The Admin Note column can be used to add reminders of what you need to do (e.g. "Contact Teacher Adam") . This is purely for your convenience, and will not impact the operation of the system.


Over time, you will have an increasing number of records in the Registrations Table with their Status as Enrolled. Since the Registrations - STATUS sort View is sorted alphabetically, any record with Status as Error would only appear after the (increasingly larger) Enrolled section.

There are two way to make Status as Error easy for you to spot:

  1. Use the Registrations - filter Enrolled View, which hides all the Status == Enrolled records
  2. Use the Registrations - ERRORS View, which only shows all the Status == Error records
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